Molly Carter

Multi Platform Podcast Producer , Bauer Media

I'm an award winning multi-platform producer currently working across a wide range of content, including podcasts, radio and video on varied subjects - one of which I receive a Guinness World Record for the first radio show sent to deep space! I've worked on subjects from the paranormal to parenting, kids, education and audio drama for the last 5 years, as well as planning live podcast shows - and plan on continuing till I can't anymore! 

What are you looking for in a winning entry? 

I'm looking for story that really grabs my attention and is worth telling my friends about, with facts I can learn something new from and twists and turns to really keep me guessing what's coming next - I want to see this married with mind-blowing sound design that really sets the scene for the subject, putting me right into the centre of it 

Top tip for entrants: 

Hook me from the get go! Content is key, but the audio needs to sound wonderful too to really immerse me. Take me on an adventure!