Lisa Hack

Senior Technical Practice Tutor Radio , Goldsmiths University of London

Lisa Hack is an audio producer and a Senior Technical Tutor for audio radio and podcasts at Goldsmiths, University of London. Previous to this she worked as a technical producer at the BBC World Service for over 15 years working on news, features, and drama in the UK and on location around the world. Lisa is one of the founders and a trustee for Multitrack, a charity that creates career changing opportunities for emerging producers while helping the radio and podcast industry to become more accessible and inclusive.  

What are you looking for in a winning entrant? 

Solid production, good scripting and slick editing. I want to learn something I didn't know before 

Top tip for entrants: 

Make your entry sound as good as any of your episodes. That includes structuring it. Pick the genuinely good bits and don't throw in anything just to make up the maximum time.