Joyanna Lovelock
Podcast Creator and Host , BTYTPOD
I am a non-practising Barrister-at-Law and worked as an academic lawyer: working in legal education as a law lecturer, and as an examiner and legal trainer. I have also adjudicated in the Criminal Justice System. I am an award-winning podcaster, author and blogger. I am also a radio presenter.
What are you looking for in a winning entry?
In a winning entry, I would firstly look to see an entry that shows that it matches the style and subject, as per the rubric. I would also be looking for creativity; imagination and production quality. I am looking to be surprised and enlightened and how the entry sounds and makes me feel. All in all, I am looking for a powerful listening experience.
Top tips for entrants:
1. Read the rubric very carefully
2. Submit an entry with as good as can be achieved production quality.
3. Use the running order to show the narrative.
4. Be creative and imaginative.
5. Be Brave.