Sam Tyler
Three years ago, I set out to uncover the untold story of Tony, Caro & John's mysterious musical survival. My ambition as a newcomer to creating audio, was to somehow make a stand-alone 30 minute documentary alongside one part-time collaborator.
By its release in January 2023, There Are No Greater Heroes had evolved into a near 4-hour, episodic series, that received a great review in The Observer and prompted a sold-out live show in London. It succeeded in doing justice to a remarkable musical tale and so much more.
Through interviews with the band and others from around the world, this deep exploration into their singular musical story, evolved into a more universal one - one about the power of lifelong human bonds. Their lives over seventy years were slowly revealed to be almost impossibly intertwined, through a medium that allowed this story to reach its most insightful and truthful conclusions, in the length it needed to be.
By reflecting on process and creative vulnerability in the narration, the series intentionally mirrored the DIY philosophy of its subjects. TC&J's music is threaded throughout, uniquely hitting an emotional and atmospheric nerve that purely speech-based podcasts can rarely achieve.
These two testimonies go some way to encapsulating what TANGH has managed to accomplish. Miranda Sawyer wrote 'Nothing combines memory, feeling, youth and age like music, and this series understands that. Heroes indeed.'
Most effecting, was the reaction from Tony himself 'The series has changed the story I've told myself about my life.'